For triage having multiple subject matter expert bots may be excellent instead of asking questions to one (huge/slow/expensive) model. I’m not saying the best idea is to use a bot to diagnose head trauma, this is just an example. Additionally, you can update specific information per subject as things change (new solutions, guidance, etc).
For example, a medical intake triage where subject matter expertise is brought in as needed.
Intake bot:
What brings you in today?
I fell on the ice and hit my head.
When you fell and hit your head, what did you hit your head on? Did you lose consciousness? Is your head bleeding? Do you feel dizzy or sick?
No I’m not bleeding. I hit my head on concrete. I am very dizzy though and I don’t really remember what happened after for about a half hour.
This may be an emergency. I’m adding a specialist bot (neurology) to this conversation.
Hello, I am a bot specializing in Neurology. I have read the intake transcript and it looks like you have symptoms consistent with a concussion. You should immediately get to an ER where they will evaluate you and likely order a CT scan. If you are dizzy, do not drive. Contact 911 or have someone drive you.
Other options- pull location information and recommend nearest hospitals, give directions, etc.